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Diocese of Victoria


Diocese On-line Marriage Preparation Course


October 17, 2024

1) The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has released “Called to Witness and Proclaim: A Pastoral Letter on Evangelization and Catechesis in the Family”. Framed around the story of Jesus healing the daughter of Jairus, the bishops hope that this letter will give families support and encouragement. To read the letter, please visit

2) Aid to the Church in Need Canada, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association Canada, and Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada, with the support of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, are launching an appeal for prayers and generosity to support the most urgent needs of people in Lebanon.  To learn more, please visit

3) CISDV – AGM:  The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Catholic Independent Schools Diocese of Victoria (CISDV) Society will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2024.  There will be a private ballot election for two positions to the CISDV Board of Directors at this meeting.  Each position is for a three-year term. Nomination forms may be requested from and must be completed and sent to the Nomination Committee at no later than Wednesday, November 6th.  Potential Board Members must meet the following requirements for nomination:

  1. Be a practising Catholic and an active member of a Catholic Parish in the Diocese of Victoria.

  2. Not be an employee of the CISDV, an immediate relative of an employee of the CISDV, nor a student of a school under the jurisdiction of CISDV.

  3. Read and understand the constitution and bylaws, policies 200 and 201 and the method of election.

  4. Have a signed nomination form which includes two sponsors and Parish Priest.

For further information, contact the Island Catholic Schools office at 250-727-6893 ext. 240.


October 10, 2024

This weekend we kick off the Bishop’s Appeal along with all other parishes and missions throughout our Diocese. The 2024 Appeal theme is Sharing God’s Gifts.  You may have already received something in the mail, if so, please prayerfully consider making a gift. We encourage you to take a moment to watch the Bishop’s video message at the following link


1) During this month of October dedicated to Mary, at a time when there continues to be so much violence between peoples and nations in the Middle East and elsewhere, the President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops invites all Catholics in Canada to take up Pope Francis’ invitation to pray and fast for peace.  To read his invitation, please visit


2) The Canadian branch of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association is launching a campaign to raise funds for families displaced by the escalating conflict in Lebanon.  For more information, and to donate, please visit


3) The annual Camp Homewood Youth Retreat is looking for new members to serve on the planning team.  An online meeting will be held on October 29 at 7:00 pm at  For further details, please contact Jeremy Lenz at


4) The Diocese is looking for volunteers to livestream the 9 am Sunday Mass from St. Andrew’s Cathedral.  No previous experience is necessary, and all training will be provided.  For more information or to apply, please email


October 3, 2024

1) On September 30, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement on the occasion of the 2024 National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, reaffirming its commitment to walking with Indigenous Peoples on their healing and reconciliation journey.  To read the statement, please visit


2) The Second Session of the Universal Phase of Synod 2021-2024 has begun.  From October 2- 27, delegates from around the world will meet in Rome to pray, discus, and discern how to be a missionary synodal Church.  For more information on Synod 2021-2024, and on the Diocese of Victoria Permanent Pastoral Synod, please visit


3) On October 9 at 7:00 pm, all are invited to join in “An Evening with Reverend Al”.  Rev. Al Tysick was the former Executive Director of the Open Door, Our Place Society, and the Dandelion Society, all serving the homeless in Victoria. Al will discuss his 30 years of street ministry, the challenges he faced, and his new book “Muddy Water”.  The event will take place at Broad View United Church in Victoria (3703 St Aidans St) and be livestreamed at


September 26, 2024

1) Songhees Nation is hosting the third annual South Island Powwow on Monday, September 30 at Royal Athletic Park in Victoria.  The Diocese of Victoria is again sponsoring this event, which offers an opportunity to celebrate traditional Indigenous cultures and resiliency.


All are invited to attend the powwow.  The day runs from 10 am to 10 pm, and will include dance and drumming performances and competitions, carving demonstrations, and craft and food vendors.  Admission is free.


2)On Monday, September 30, Canada will mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  This day was established in 2021 to honour the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities.  One step on the Catholic church’s path of healing and reconciliation is the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund.  To learn more, please visit


3)  The annual Plenary Assembly of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is happening this week, bringing together members of the CCCB from across Canada for discussion on a broad range of topics affecting the Catholic faithful in Canada.  For more information, including video recaps of each day of the Plenary, please visit


4) 40 Days for Life invites you to pray for an end to abortion by participating in their annual fall vigil, which runs this year from September 25 – November 3.  Campaign Life Coalition also invites you to join Life Chain, a peaceful prayer demonstration which will be held this year on October 6 from 2-3 pm.  For more information, please visit and


5) The Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada will be held on September 28 and 29, 2024.  This annual initiative assists the Bishops in their ministry of accompanying, teaching, guiding, sanctifying and caring for the Church in Canada. Donations can be made through your local parish, or online at


6) The 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated on Sunday, September 29, 2024. This year’s theme is “God walks with his people”.  For more information, including Pope Francis’ Message for the Day and a video, please visit


September 19, 2024

1) Next week, the Plenary Assembly of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops will gather for its annual meeting, bringing together 79 Bishops to deliberate, discern, and discuss the life of the Church in Canada.  For more information on the Plenary and some of the topics that will be discussed this year, please visit


2) The Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) is an agency of the Holy See which provides pastoral and humanitarian support throughout the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India, and Eastern Europe.  The Canadian branch of CNEWA is launching a campaign to raise $600,000 to supply ten hospitals in Ukraine with medical equipment, hygiene products and transportation.  For more information, and to donate, please visit


3) On Saturday, September 28, at 10:30 am, Development and Peace — Caritas Canada will hold a national launch webinar for their “Reaping Our Rights” campaign.  This campaign invites Canadians to stand in solidarity with peasant communities, who, despite feeding much of the world, struggle to protect their lands and livelihoods from pollution, land-grabbing, and the effects of climate change. For more information and to register, please visit


September 13, 2024

1)  In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has announced that 2024 will be a Year of Prayer. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is offering a webinar series  as one way for the faithful to participate in this Year of Prayer.  Part two of the series, “Mary, the Saints and Scripture”, will be offered on Thursdays in October, starting on October 3.  For more information and to register, please visit  

Part one of the series, “The Our Father as a Programme of Life”, ran in April and is now available online at


2) World Wide Marriage Encounter is offering a weekend marriage retreat on the mainland this fall from October 25-27, 2024.  Rekindle the romance, remind yourselves why you fell in love, and learn how to make a good marriage even better – you both deserve it!  For more info and to register, please visit ​  Registration closes on October 14. 


September 5, 2024

1) The Diocese of Victoria Health Care Committee is offering its next series of online Pastoral Care Outreach Training sessions starting this month. These free sessions will be held via Zoom on Saturday mornings from 9:30 – noon, starting on September 28 and running until November 30, 2024 (with no session on October 12 for Thanksgiving). This training will allow participants to learn more about deep listening and visiting the lonely, sick, injured, elderly, and dying – in hospitals, seniors’ residences, extended health care facilities, and at their homes. The sessions are also offered for those who wish to learn how to accompany and care for their loved ones, friends, and neighbours, or as a personal undertaking. Please register through your parish by September 17, 2024.

2) The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process by which non-Catholics enter the Catholic Faith. If you're eager to enter the Faith, or just curious about Catholicism, RCIA may be the journey you're called to this Fall. Join us to explore what the Holy Spirit has in store for you! To learn more, start by contacting the pastor of your local Catholic church. People in the Victoria area should then register with Carmelle & Chris Whiteley for the initial evening on September 19th by calling 250-886-2987 or emailing

3) The 7th annual Beloved Catholic Women's Retreat will be Nov 15-17 2024 at Camp Homewood, Quadra Island. Registration is full but waitlist spots are available. For more information and to add your name to the waitlist, please visit

4) Rachel's Vineyard will be hosting a retreat on Vancouver Island from October 24 – 27, 2024. This ministry is a safe place for people to renew, rebuild, and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal, and healing. For more information and to register, please contact Nicola at or 250-514-3973.


​​April 11, 2024

1) After prayerful discernment, Bishop Gary Gordon, in collaboration with the Diocesan Personnel Committee, has announced new pastoral appointments to take effect June 15, 2024.  The appointments may be viewed online at


March 21, 2024

1) In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has announced that 2024 will be a “Year of Prayer”. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops invites all to participate in their webinar series, titled “A Great Symphony of Prayer”. Dr. Josephine Lombardi from St. Augustine's Seminary will present two four-part sessions, one in April and one in October. The webinars will be recorded and made available after the completion of the final session; please register for at least one session if you wish to receive a notification when the recordings are available. For more information & to register, please visit​


February 22, 2024

February 24 marks the second anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. National representatives of Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant communities, in collaboration with the World Evangelical Alliance’s Peace and Reconciliation Network, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, and the Canadian Council of Churches, have signed a Pastoral Letter on Ukraine, Canada, and the Church, inviting all to join in praying for peace.


“Without in any way minimizing or ignoring the suffering and sorrow caused by war and violence in other areas of the world, we stand together in inviting Christians and all people of good will to prayerfully consider how we are all called, and might contribute to, the achievement of peace in and for Ukraine.”

– excerpt from the Pastoral Letter.


Endorsed by 45 leaders, the Letter identifies six meaningful ways by which to foster peace:

  1. Pray

  2. Support Ukrainian Refugees

  3. Urge diplomatic steps towards a just and sustainable peace in Ukraine

  4. Seek cooperative relationships of humanitarian support

  5. Remember February 24, 2022

  6. Hope for reconciliation


The President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Most Rev. William T. McGrattan, Bishop of Calgary, supported by the CCCB’s Executive Committee, is one of the aforementioned signatories to the Letter, now available in EnglishFrench and Ukrainian. You are invited to share these links to pray and work together for peace.


October 12, 2023

The president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Bishop William T. McGrattan has issued a statement in response to the escalation of the conflict in the Holy Land.  The statement may be found online at


August 17th, 2023

1) A post has just been added to the Diocesan website with photos from our delegation’s pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2023.  The post can be viewed at


May 17, 2023

1) A new post has been added to the Diocesan website with an update on Synod 2021-2024.  It includes info about the recently released “North American Final Document for the Continental Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod”, as well as links to our diocesan, regional, and national reports that were created during the Diocesan Stage of the Synod.  To read the post, please visit


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The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has released four Pastoral Letters – to the First Nations, the Métis, the Inuit, and the People of God. The Bishops of Canada decided to write these letters after being updated on discussions with Indigenous partners during their plenary meeting last September.  They outline a set of specific commitments which are meant to guide local reconciliation.

These letters can be viewed at:


Diocesan Livestream

Starting on Monday, November 21st, the regular weeknight livestream at 7:00 pm will be livestreamed from Sacred Heart Church in Victoria (4040 Nelthorpe St), and will also be open to those who wish to attend in person.


Working Towards Freedom: Study guide on human trafficking now available

“Working Toward Freedom” is a new study guide created in response to a call to mission: to reduce the harms of human trafficking in our local communities and uphold the dignity of every child of God.

The guide was developed jointly by the Diocese of Victoria, the Archdiocese of Vancouver, and the Diocese of Saskatchewan. Based on the CCCB's recent Pastoral Letter on Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Canada, it delves deeper into the letter and animates it in each specific community's context.  Through prayer and education, the guide leads participants to become more aware of the human trafficking that is occurring in our midst, and helps them learn how to bring to light situations where people may be in danger.  The authors of the guide are Evelyn Vollet, Sr. Nancy Brown, Barbara Renaud, Myron Rogal and Annette Turgeon.

The guide will be launched this month with a one-hour webinar.  All are invited to join and learn more about the guide, either on Thursday, November 24 at 9:00 am PST, or on Saturday, November 26 at 10:00 am PST.  The webinar will provide an overview of each section and recommendations on how to use the guide.  The webinar is free, but advance registration is required at

Pope Francis describes the Church’s mission as a permanent state that calls us to go to the peripheries of society.  No one is exempt from being able to do something about this horrific crime taking place within our communities.  For more information, please contact Annette Turgeon at


April 1, 2022

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has released a statement welcoming the apology made by Pope Francis today in Rome to Indigenous Peoples.  The statement can be read at



Canadian Reporting System for Sexual Abuse or Cover-Up by a Catholic Bishop


On Thursday, May 6, 2021, the Bishops of Canada launched a national, bilingual service for reporting situations of sexual abuse either committed or covered-up by a Bishop.  This service furthers their commitment to responsibility, accountability and transparency in matters of clergy sexual abuse and their commitment to facilitate healing and justice for victims-survivors.


Individuals can access the reporting system online ( or by calling toll-free 1-866-892-3737 from anywhere in Canada, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.


The reporting system was developed by ClearView Strategic Partners, a Canadian provider of an independent reporting platform.  ClearView’s technology benefits anyone wanting to make such a report by providing them with a secure and confidential platform, allowing them to remain anonymous if they so choose, and ensuring all communications are documented and preserved.


The Catholic Bishops of Canada condemn the sin and crime of sexual abuse in the strongest possible terms. No one should ever have to endure the pain, humiliation, and long-term suffering it causes, nor should anyone have to doubt that serious consequences await a perpetrator of sexual abuse or cover-up. With this reporting system, the Bishops make themselves accountable to live with integrity and to address reports of sexual abuse according to Church and civil law. The Church grieves with victim-survivors and profoundly regrets the tremendous harm caused. The Bishops of Canada wish to reach out and accompany victims-survivors along the path that restores justice and promotes healing.


Reports of current or historical sexual abuse by any other member of the Diocese of Victoria (clergy, religious, employees or volunteers) may be made by calling 1-800-968-3146.  This number connects to an independent reporting service which can assist in contacting the appropriate authorities and help access counselling services. For more information about Responsible Ministry and Safe Environment in the Diocese of Victoria, please visit


Thank you for your prayers and the support you provide to victim-survivors in the ongoing work of healing.



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